
Top 10 Tuesday: Long Islanders to Follow on Twitter


Twitter exploded on the Internet world and it is chugging on like a locomotive that cannot and will not be stopped.

The ever-growing social media site is all over: On our TV screens, tablets, phones and advertisements. And 140 characters is all people need to consume news nowadays.

Twitter has also become a place for people to share their feelings about an event as it’s happening.

For example: Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow broke a sports Twitter record this past Sunday when Twitter amassed 9,420 tweets per second about the overly scrutinized football player. If our math is right that’s 565,200 tweets per minute. Who needs that much attention?

So after realizing how important Twitter is to the survival of civilization, we figured we should do our part to support the cause and find out which Long Islanders are big on Twitter.


We compiled the list by checking out who has the most followers and if they’re active tweeters.

This deep investigation into Long Island tweeters revealed that two Long Islanders plaster their Twitter profile with magazine cover images of themselves, while another sends out some inspirational tweets. If you need some new people to follow, check out the list.

Those on the list are current and past Long Islanders.

Oh, and while you do that, follow some of our writers:

Timothy Bolger (@Timmyyy), Rashed Mian (@rashedmian), Michael Nelson (@SonicBum), Jaclyn Gallucci (@jaxie), Chris Twarowski (@investigations1), Spencer Rumsey (SpencerBRumsey) and Lindsay Christ (@LindsayChrist).

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