At least $750,000 in Urban Forestry Grants is now available for urban communities to apply for, New York State Department of Environment Conservation Commissioner Joe Martens announced today at the New York State Arbor Day Celebration.
Applications are now being accepted by DEC to support urban forestry projects across the state. These grants, funded by the Environmental Protection Fund, will be of particular interest to those communities faced with the infestation and eradication of the Emerald Ash Borer. Proposals for tree inventories, tree planting, maintenance, management plans and invasive pest detection studies will be accepted. The grants will be awarded to large cities and small communities across the state. Applications must be postmarked by June 21.
The State Arbor Day Committee, made up of several state agencies and industry associations, joined state and local officials to celebrate Arbor Day in Albany’s West Capitol Park. This annual celebration encourages New Yorkers of all ages to recognize the importance of trees and the impact they make in our everyday lives.
“Arbor Day is a national observance that celebrates the essential role trees play in our environment,” said Commissioner Martens. “Trees help improve air quality, reduce energy consumption and beautify the landscape in New York’s urban centers. The urban forestry grants will play an important role in helping protect trees in cities across the state.”
Urban Forestry Grants
Grants will be available to municipalities, public benefit corporations, public authorities, school districts and not-for-profit organizations that have a public ownership interest in the property or are acting on behalf of a public property owner. Grants will range from $2,500 to $50,000, depending on municipal population, with a 50/50 match requirement.
Eligible projects include tree inventories and management plans, tree and shrub planting and maintenance, and invasive pest detection studies. Additionally, $1,000 Quick Start Arbor Day grants – with no match requirement – will be available to help communities generate support for a new municipal tree program with an Arbor Day celebration. Funds are made available from the state’s EPF and will be managed and allocated by DEC. Proposals will be evaluated on their cost effectiveness, projected benefits, use of recommended standards in implementation, community outreach, education and support, and regional economic impact.
Applications will be accepted at the DEC Central Office by hand delivery at the address below until 4:00 p.m. on June 21 or mailed and postmarked by June 21 to: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Lands and Forests, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4253.