For 42 years, Aerosmith Drummer Joey Kramer endured a hectic, grueling touring schedule that could only be managed with some strong java. Yet, Kramer couldn’t find a consistently decent cup of Joe.
So he went about creating his own.
“If you want something done,” he told the Press, “you do it yourself.”

What he wanted was a gourmet cup of organic coffee at a reasonable price. And so he created Rockin’ & Roastin’ Coffee, on sale at 2,000 retail locations on the East Coast from Maine to Virginia at Costco, Stop and Shop and Hannaford Supermarkets.
Kramer, who was at Costco in Westbury on Saturday, is a hands-on CEO who brought the beans to the roaster himself and cuts each batch personally, approving the taste before it goes to market.
This is not a case of another celebrity “putting my name on something and collecting a check,” he said. “It’s about a great cup of coffee.”
The coffee is available in three roasts: Ethiopian, Guatemalan and Sumatran. The organic beans grown in the shade where it takes longer than sun grown to harvest, but the end product is better: for the consumer and for the Earth. The shade growing process “slows the process of killing trees and preserves the rainforest,” Kramer explained.
Why organic? “Because, quite honestly,” he said, “I wouldn’t drink anything else. “
His commitment to chemical- and pesticide-free shade-grown coffee is an extension of his quest for clean living, something he details in his autobiography Hit Hard: A Story of Hitting Rock Bottom at the Top, released in 2009.
Rockin’ & Roastin’ is the official coffee of Aerosmith. Kramer takes it with him on tour and the whole band will drink nothing else. “Everyone I know drinks it,” he said.
Eventually, he plans to open a rock and roll café in Massachusetts where he’ll serve Rockin’ & Roastin’ coffee. “There will be no comparison,” he said. “This will be the best tasting coffee–bar none.”
Costco members had an opportunity to try a cup and meet Kramer, where he posed for photographs, signed autographs and Rockin’ & Roastin’ purchases.
Is it safe to say that caffeine is now Aerosmith’s drug of choice?