At a church service presided over by Father Tom Fusco, the Our Lady of Victory (OLV) school community recently came together recently to honor their namesake, Mary, by participating in a time-honored tradition—the May Crowning.
In a church filled to capacity with students, teachers, administrators, parents and grandparents, the service began as the second grade students processed down the aisle wearing their communion clothes and each offered a single flower to the statue of Mary, which had been moved to the center of the altar for this very special occasion.
The second graders remained at the altar and sang a beautiful song to honor Mary under the leadership of Music teacher, Mrs. Batsford. Led in prayer by Father Tom and members of the eighth grade class, the congregation joined in song as OLV school eighth graders presented the statue of Mary with a crowning wreath of flowers.
Father Tom and Principal Augello then led the procession while praying the rosary to the statues of Mary outside the rectory and in the schoolyard where additional wreaths of flowers were placed.
—Submitted by Kathy Carolan