She was beautiful, young and brilliant. This describes the late Joanne Dempsey. A graduate of Harvard, she was a professor of medieval literature at the University of San Diego which will now host a lecture series in her name. Joanne was an expert on Beowulf and the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer. Joanne’s brother, Bill Dempsey, will travel to San Diego to sit in on the series which will be held annually. Joanne lived in Mineola and was the daughter of Fran Dempsey and the late Judge William Dempsey.
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Arumba McCanless of Latham Road was in the insurance business.
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Many neighbors on Andrews Road are upset about the house of the late Tess Irace which has been left in a state of disrepair for four years. Many see it as an eyesore.
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“In the bag.” This is an expression meaning it’s all wrapped up. When success seems certain and not to be lost, it is said to be like putting groceries in a bag.
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“To be caught flat-footed.” This expression comes from early American football when the pass-receiver was tackled almost immediately and was not on his toes. It is now used when someone is caught in the act of a burglary or a robbery.
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Ann Hlavenka taught at Hampton Street School and has lived in Mineola for 60 years.
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Grace and I attended mass at St. Brigid’s Catholic Church celebrated by Msgr. John Martin. In the parish bulletin, among the ads, I recognized Weigand’s Funeral Home from Williston Park.
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Merrick Parsons, formerly of Mineola, is now the manager of Pathmark in Garden City Park. He is the husband of Cheryl of the Bristol Assisted Living. Their daughter, Natasnia, works at Winthrop Hospital.
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Speaking of the Bristol, about 100 of us attended a song-fest by the Sweet Lorraines. They sang a variety of songs, extending from rock-n-roll to country western.
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Father Tomaz Gomide is retiring to his summer home in Florida. He also maintains a house here in Westbury where he allows people in need to live rent-free. By the way, the new summer schedule of masses at Corpus Christi Church are 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m. (Portuguese); 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m.
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Spiro and Buffy, owners of the Williston Town House and the Old Westbury Diner, opened a new place in Floral Park called Towers on the Green. It is located on Grand Central Parkway.
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Alice and Robert Patey ate at the Town House and liked it very much.
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Anita Iuvara has lived on Andrews Road for 40 years. She is a retired receptionist.
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John Kukor is a psycho-therapist and formerly of East Williston. He enjoys lunch at the Town House.
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Mike Baron has lived in Williston Park for 20 years. He is a retired teacher.