
Friends For Life

Canine_081915GThis past June was graduation time for students all throughout Nassau County. Last Friday, however, a different—and especially moving—graduation ceremony took place in Medford.

Roslyn Heights resident Evan Golden, along with his assistance dog, Judson, both completed a two-week training program offered by the Canine Companions for Independence, one where highly trained assistance dogs are partnered with a local youngster. During that time, Golden and Judson were trained to work together.

The graduation marked the culmination of that training course. Golden is pleased with his new friend and Judson, a two-year old lab, has learned over 40 advanced commands designed to assist Golden in his everyday life.

Golden was one of 11 students to be honored at the graduation ceremony. Judson can open and close doors, turn light switches on and off, and pick up dropped objects. Still, his most important job will be to provide constant companionship to his young master.

Before being placed with one of the children, the canines are trained in the center’s puppy raisers program. Volunteers raise the dogs for the first year-and-a-half of their lives, teaching them basic commands and socialization skills. At the end of the program, the dogs are returned to regional headquarters in Medford, where they work for six months with professional instructors learning advanced commands before they are matched with a person with disabilities. During the ceremony, the puppy raisers ceremoniously hand over the dogs’ leashes to the recipient. This is always the highlight of the graduation ceremony, Canine Companions personnel said, noting that when this takes place, “there isn’t a dry eye in the house.”

The graduation ceremony took place on Friday, Aug. 14 at the Genesis Center in Melville. Both Golden and Judson are looking forward to years together as best friends.