
Port Jewish Center Dedicates Brodsky Youth Lounge

Brodsky120215BThe Port Jewish Center (PJC) celebrated the official opening of the Brodsky Youth Lounge on Sunday, Nov. 1. Thanks to the generosity of Muriel and Bert Brodsky, PJC’s youth of all ages have a wonderful new space to call their own. The Brodsky Lounge will be a gathering place before and after religious school, Sabbath services and during weekends. It is another way that PJC is making their synagogue feel like a second home for their youth.

Brodsky120215AStudent Cantor Leah Shafritz led a prayer, giving thanks for allowing PJC to reach another milestone in its growth. Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf offered a blessing that reflected the gratitude that PJC has for the Brodsky family’s generosity over the years.

Speaking on behalf of his family, Bert recalled the transformation of PJC’s building at 20 Manorhaven Blvd. from his office building to a sacred space. He spoke of carrying the Torahs from the United Methodist Church to PJC’s new synagogue building and celebrating PJC’s journey.