
The Dangers Of Prescription Drugs

Easy access to prescription drugs continues to top the list of reasons why teens abuse prescription drugs.
Easy access to prescription drugs continues to top the list of reasons why teens abuse prescription drugs.

By Ivy Jin

The dangers of prescription drugs in households extend far past a teen’s curiosity. In our present age, an increasing number of adolescents are looking to prescription drugs as a coping mechanism for reasons other than to simply get high. Recent reports have shown that teenagers are abusing prescription drugs to aid in curbing anxiety, losing weight and staying focused. These problems suggest that the emotional and physical problems faced by teens may be even graver than previously thought. Thus, parents should be even more cautious and observant of the actions of their teens, especially as newer pressures arise, both from in and out of school. As the decision-making skills of teens are slowly developing, the role of parents becomes incredibly important. This is especially true when the need to fit in slowly begins to cloud the judgments of various adolescents.

Along with these circumstances, one should also keep in mind that much of the reasoning behind the use of prescription drugs by teens is the incorrect and widely misled belief that prescription drugs are safer than street drugs. This supports the idea that the context drugs are placed in play a huge factor in their use. Teens are more likely to view prescription drugs sitting in their parents’ medicine cabinet as “safe” in comparison to something that may be found on the concrete. In order to ensure the healthy and happy growth of a teenager, proper disposal of prescription drugs and enforcement of sound and moral judgment are effective ways for curbing the possibility of teen prescription drug abuse.