Rob Williams, owner of Sands Point Auto Body Shop, donated his services to paint an auxiliary police car to be used by the Port Washington Auxiliary Police. The car was donated by the Port Washington Police District for the use of the Port Washington Auxiliary Police.
Port native Maria D’Amelio, commanding officer of the Great Neck Nassau County Auxiliary Police, said, “I’m most grateful to Rob because we have very limited funding and he donated his services and time. When he saw what bad shape the car was in, he immediately said he would repaint it.”
The car is a 2003 Crown Victoria and had a lot of wear and tear.

“It looked hideous,” said D’Amelio. “These police cars are housed outside and are basically in use 24/7,” said D’Amelio, who now resides in Great Neck. “When the auxiliary officers saw the car after Rob restored it, they were amazed. They’re proud to be in this car now because it’s a reflection on them. The beautiful paint job builds their morale. The guys just love it.”
The Port Washington Auxiliary Police is a small group of volunteers who work special events such as the Memorial Day Parade and Greekfest in Port Washington.
The Nassau County Auxiliary Police Program is part of the Nassau County Police Department’s Community Safety Unit/Auxiliary Police Section. According to their website, the auxiliary police, originally part of Civil Defense, was created by federal law in the 1940s to protect the residents of the U.S. during, before and after attack by enemy forces. In 1951, the New York State Defense Emergency Act further defined the use of civil defense forces (auxiliary police). Today, their main mission is to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to and recover from an emergency.
For more information about the auxiliary police go to www.pdncnaux.org.
Sands Point Auto Body is located at 92 South Bayles Ave. For information, go to www.sands pointautobody.com or call 516-767-0471.