
Village Tests Pay Station Parking Meter


ParkingMeter__031616AThe Village of Westbury has begun testing an automated pay-by-space parking meter in Shopper Parking Field no. 4 on Madison Street behind Rite Aid. The current parking fee of $.25 per hour will remain the same.

“The village is testing the pay station system of parking meters, like many other municipalities have,” Mayor Peter Cavallaro said. “This kind of parking control system has been highly effective, and cost effective in most places that have adopted it. If this test is successful, we will eventually convert all of our metered parking into the pay station system. In the meantime, we will be replacing older meters in certain of our lots with the newer ones that we will be removing from the test lot (Madison Street).”Each parking space in the lot will be assigned a number. To use the pay station, drivers should note the number of the parking space where they’ve parked and enter it into the machine. Then make a payment appropriate to the desired parking time. As with current meters, additional payment may be added to increase time as needed.

The pay station will keep track of paid and expired spaces, and there is no need to return to the vehicle after you have paid.

The new system will accept coins, dollar bills and credit cards. Signage will also be posted in the lot with instructions as to how to use the pay station.

Meter enforcement hours are unchanged from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Meters are free before 6 a.m. and after 6 p.m. on weekdays, weekends and holidays. There is no overnight parking allowed in any village lots.
—Submitted by the Village of Westbury