Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kathleen Mooney sent out a letter to parents on May 5 to address concerns about the water quality in the schools, specifically lead in the water.
In the letter, Dr. Mooney said that all new water fountains in the schools contain filters to improve the water quality throughout the buildings.
Dr. Mooney said, “The district proactively engaged the services of J.C. Broderick & Associates, a recognized expert in the field of environmental services and industrial hygiene, and requested that testing, specifically for lead, be conducted in all schools to evaluate the lead concentration in our drinking water. The district further requested that the testing begin with the district’s older schools.”
Last month, water sample testing was done at Weber and Daly.
“The district just received the test results and we are pleased to report that no remediation is necessary at Weber,” said Dr. Mooney. “As for Daly, the sampling raised no concerns at the majority of sinks and faucets at Daly. However, elevated lead levels were noted in some areas, including three fountains attached to sinks that are not used by students or staff, and one hallway water fountain that is similarly unused.”
To rectify this situation, the district has turned off the existing sinks and faucets with the elevated lead levels at Daly and will be replacing the hallway fountain.
“The district is on schedule to have water samples tested in all remaining schools in the next week,” said Dr. Mooney. “The nature of the testing is such that it will take several weeks before the district will receive a report on the findings.”
Dr. Mooney stressed that the health and safety of the students and staff is a primary focus and open communication with parents is a priority, and as the findings of the remaining water test become available, the district will share those results with parents.