
Advice For Prom Night

Port Washington Police Chief James Salerno would like to remind young people to make responsible choices on prom night.

To ensure everyone has a safe prom night, parents and guardians need to talk with their teens regarding prom safety.

Tips for parents:

• Know and discuss the school code of conduct before the prom with your child.

• Does the school code of conduct extend to off-site functions that have been approved by the school?

• Know who your child is attending the prom with and discuss the events for pre- and post-prom parties with other parents.

• Discuss the dangers of drinking and driving. New York State law mandates arrest and license revocation/suspension of any person under 21 driving with 0.02 percent or more blood alcohol content (one drink).

• Talk with your child about the dangers of club drugs, warning signs and who to notify for assistance.

• Pre-plan and role-play answers that your child can use to get out of uncomfortable situations (for example: being offered alcohol, getting a ride from an intoxicated driver, unwanted sexual advances, etc.).

• Discuss guidelines and a curfew. Discuss the consequences of violating these rules.

• Discuss travel plans. Use a reputable limousine service that will not allow a person to bring, serve or introduce alcohol into the vehicle.

• Know who is driving to the prom and who will be a passenger. Limit the number of passengers to increase safety and reduce driver distractions.

• Know the location of post-prom parties and who is sponsoring them.

Talk to your teenager about the serious dangers and consequences of underage drinking and driving.

• If your child’s plans change, confirm the change with the parents of other children.

• Remind your child that you are there for them if they need a ride home or to an after-prom affair.

Involved parenting is the best prevention. Parents remain a powerful influence in fostering healthy teen development and preventing negative outcomes.

Tips for teens:

• Alcohol is illegal for persons under the age of 21. Underage drinking is illegal and can result in arrest, injury or worse.

• Don’t let friends drink and drive.

• Plan ahead—make sure you have a safe plan for prom night.

• Discuss your plans with your friends; remind each other about responsible decision-making and confronting peer pressure.

• Do not accept any drinks from someone you do not know. If you leave your drink, discard it and get a new one.

• Do not leave your possessions unattended.

Learn the warning signs for alcohol poisoning and drug intoxication, contact 911 for assistance and immediate treatment.

• Take extra money or have a responsible person available for transportation for a safe ride home or in case an emergency arises.

• Remember to charge your cell phone and have it with you.prom

Know where you are and where you are going; keep your parents and friends informed.

• Trust your instincts, if you feel endangered or uncomfortable, leave immediately.

• Intoxication by alcohol or drugs can lead to poor judgment and dangerous situations.

• Remember to contact your parents if your plans change.

Practice and discuss answers you can use to get out of uncomfortable situations.

• Do not allow anyone in your car or limo who has drugs or weapons. It is dangerous and everyone in the car is at risk of getting arrested.

• It is illegal to alter your driver’s license or any other form of government identification.