
Model Boat Regatta Sails In Storm

Though HarborFest ended at 11:30 a.m. due to torrential downpours, the third grade model boat regatta at Baxter Pond was able to race to the finish. The regatta began a bit early to beat the downpours and all races were completed before the worst weather hit. Two hundred and thirty three third graders raced in the regatta, the most ever, according to Bobbie Polay, executive director of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce.

The children raced in a drizzling rain and were completely soaked in the downpours during the awards ceremony, but most everyone stuck it out until the end.

Overall winner

St. Peter’s School won the Team Spirit Award for the third year in a row with 77 percent participation. Regatta061516B Regatta061516C

Atlantic Hook and Ladder assigned three motivated men to keep the fans blowing along with real winds shifting 30 degrees here and there, according to Bill Palofax, chair of the model boat regatta. “Johnny Thompson loaned us open cockpit kayaks for the on-the-water team and our Baxter’s Pond Foundation hosts helped graciously. It was another great day for our fledgling skippers and Port’s heritage.”

The valiant volunteers kept the whole event organized and on track and the children had a wonderful time participating an a longstanding Port tradition. Other volunteers included Marian Weissman, Mary Lu Dempsey-Palafox and Greg Hovsepian.

Overall winners were:

First place: Travis Scaglione (Sousa)

Second place: Mason Grosso (Salem)

Third place: Robert Posternak (Guggenheim)

Individual School Winners: Sousa

First place: Travis Scaglione (Teacher: D. Conway)

Second place: Lina Loftus (Teacher: D. Conway)

Third place: Patrick Tiernan (Teacher: Ashley Keen)


First place: Mason Grosso (Teacher: Andrea Schieck)

Second place: Indigo Girtz (Teacher: Allison DiScala)

Third place: Marley Coren (Teacher: Andrea Schieck)


First place: Robert Posternak (Teacher: Melissa Riordan)

Second place: Aidan Hegarty (Teacher: Amy Branch)

Third place: Mackenzi Smaldon (Teacher: Kerry Tarasenko)


First place: Zachary Miller (Teacher: Julie Phillips)

Second place: Matthew Allen (Teacher: Kathy Mattia)

Third place: Stella Felix (Teacher: Julie Phillips)


First place: Brandon Giron (Teacher: Diane Haut)

Second place: Jordan Orellana (Teacher: Laurie Brevig)

Third place: Jaden Portillo (Teacher: Laurie Brevig)

St. Peter’s: Team Spirit Award

First place: Gianna Siasoco

Second place: Olivia Ahearn

Overall winners

Third place: Luke Stehl (Teacher of all: Sandra Sperrazza)