
Women’s Fund Of LI News

The Women’s Fund of Long Island (“WFLI”) will celebrate the organization’s 25th Anniversary at its Annual Achiever Awards Breakfast on November 30, 2016, at the Crest Hollow Country Club. WFLI_101415C During this event, WFLI will showcase how it has pursued its mission to ignite networks that transform the lives of women and girls over the last quarter century, through grant-making, leadership development, education and philanthropy in pursuit of a Long Island where all women and girls reach their full potential.

Claire Stapleton, Executive Director of WFLI said, “As both advocates and stakeholders, WFLI believes that men and boys are critical allies in our efforts. When viewed from a holistic standpoint, this is not just about men or women as separate entities; it’s about building a bridge of solidarity between men and women that will result in a world where everyone has equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender”.

In recognition of this, WFLI is looking for 25 “Stand Up Guys” – family   members, bosses, co-workers, neighbors, teachers, coaches, clergy,  volunteers,  friends – who have made a difference in the lives of girls and women and helped them reach their potential at home, at school, at work or in their community. This selection, chosen by a WFLI committee, will be based on women’s nominations of Stand Up Guys.

All Stand Up Guys and nominators will be invited to a special event in their honor to be scheduled in the Fall. The organization hopes that Stand Up Guys will attend, support and be acknowledged at the Breakfast Awards event on November 30th.  Deadline for nominations is September 16, 2016. To nominate a Stand Up Guy, please contact Stella Miller at stella@womensfundli.org