
Police Report: August 3 To August 9

Garden City Police DepartmentAug. 3

A joint investigation between Garden City and Nassau County Police Department detectives resulted in the arrest of a 26-year-old Hempstead male on Hilton Avenue for criminal sale of heroin.
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Officers observed two suspicious suspects walking door to door on Franklin Court. They were soliciting for money. The subjects, both from Staten Island, were issued appearance tickets for soliciting.

Aug. 5

Two bicycles were reported stolen from a Locust Street residence.
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An iPad was reported lost or stolen at a Franklin Avenue fitness center.
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Dents were found on a parked unoccupied vehicle in parking field No. 7S.

Aug. 6

Officers responded to an alarm on Garden Street and discovered pry marks on an exterior door entrance. There was no entry into the residence.
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Officer Pumilia stopped a vehicle on Franklin Avenue for aggressive driving violations resulting in the arrest of the driver, a 32-year-old Mineola male, for DWI, speeding and unsafe lane usage.

Aug. 7

Officers assisted the Garden City Fire Department with a working garage fire on Yale Street. Firefighters extinguished the fire. Two adult residents suffered smoke inhalation, one of which required transport to a local hospital for treatment.
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Officer Russell conducted a traffic investigation on Clinton Road resulting in the arrest of a 44-year-old Baldwin male for driving with three license suspensions, possession of marijuana and distracted driving (use of a portable electronic device while driving).
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A 41-year-old Bellmore male was arrested for criminal contempt. The subject went to an ex-girlfriend’s place of business in violation of a court order.

Aug. 8

A joint investigation on County Seat Drive between the Garden City Police Department and Nassau County Probation resulted in the arrest of a 54-year-old Plainview male for driving with a revoked driver’s license and driving without a court-ordered interlock device based on a prior DWI arrest.
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A handicap parking permit was reported stolen from a vehicle parked at the Cherry Valley Apartments.

Aug. 9

Garden City detectives conducted an investigation on Hilton Avenue resulting in the arrest of a 24-year-old Garden City male for possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana.
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Officers assisted the Garden City Fire Department who responded to a working house fire on Washington Avenue.
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Due to a power outage, officers responded to numerous traffic light outages on Old Country Road, Franklin Avenue and Eleventh Street.