Nine young musicians were selected for the Long Island String Festival Association (LISFA) Orchestra, earning them positions of honor in its concerts, in the Elementary Division (grades 5–7) and LISFA Senior High Division (grades 10–12).
The Elementary Division event featured North Middle School seventh-grade violinists Albert Jan, Nina Phillips and David Zeng. Their teacher was Jacquelyn Tomlet.
Performing violinists from South Middle School were seventh-grader Mia Wang and sixth-graders Laura An and Jansen Wong. Their teacher was Alan Schwartz, music department head.
Elementary school performers, all fifth-graders, were cellist Jillian Chang from Baker School, and violist Janice Shin and violinist Sophia Wong from Lakeville School. Anne Fogarty is instrument music teacher at Baker School and Juan Garcia is instrumental music teacher at Lakeville School.
Participation in LISFA is an outstanding accomplishment—a musical experience that brings together Long Island’s highly talented, young string musicians.
Earning placements of honor in the LISFA Orchestra Concert, Senior High Division, were three South High School musicians, concert mistress Hyerin Yoon, first violin, first seat; assistant principal Joshua Lee, cello, second seat; and associate principal Jonathan Lee, cello, third seat. Their teacher is Michael Schwartz, performing arts department head/instrumental music.