
Comments Sought For Syosset Park

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has received a Brownfield Cleanup Program application from Syosset Park Development, LLC for a site known as the Syosset Park Lots 251 and 252. This site is located at 305 Robbins Lane in Syosset.

The property, formerly the site of Cerro Wire, has been the topic of debate for a number of years. Plans to build a sprawling mall on the site three years ago were dashed amid public outcry and now, Syosset Park Development, LLC seeks to build a mixed-use center with housing, shops, restaurants, entertainment and a 30-acre park serving the community. The potential developer refers to Syosset Park as a “smart-growth” town that fits the needs of northern Town of Oyster Bay villages and hamlets, as opposed to the mega-mall that was once proposed.

Comments regarding this application must be submitted no later than Sept. 16.

A copy of the application and other relevant documents are available at the Syosset library (225 Oyster Bay Rd.) and the state DEC Region 1 Office at SUNY at Stony Brook (50 Circle Rd.). Information regarding the site and how to submit comments can be found at www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/60058.html. Comments can be sent to Cynthia Whitfield, DEC project manager, via mail to 625 Broadway, 12th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-7015. Whitfield can also be emailed at cynthia.whitfield@dec.ny.gov or called at 518-402-9568.