School district welcomes back students
By Tom Gould
The weather was overcast with drops of rain here and there in the early morning as students arrived for their first day of school for the 2016-17 school year. The students made their own sunshine with their smiles as they arrived, anxiously greeting their friends and entering the three schools of the Oyster Bay-East Norwich School District on Sept. 1.
The administration and staff of all the schools were out to be sure that the students were personally greeted. It is no wonder that there were so many smiling faces. Students are very comfortable entering the schools. Many feel that their school is like a second home.

The new Oyster Bay High School principal Sharon Lasher, assistant principal Tim McCarthy, assistant principal Lara Gonzalez, Vernon principal Dr. Valerie Vacchio, Roosevelt principal Tami McElwee, the new assistant superintendent for finance and operations Michael Cipriani, assistant superintendent for curriculum, instruction and assessment Dr. Lisa Mulhall and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Laura Seinfeld, greeted bus riders, walkers and families as they arrived.
Each building was immaculate as the students entered. The custodial staff worked hard all summer to get the hallways and classrooms in pristine condition. The secretarial staff also worked hard all summer to make the opening day smooth and running efficiently. The grounds crew completed the picture with manicured lawns. Teachers and administrators were on hand to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere throughout the district.
Seinfeld, the Superintendent of Schools, had a message for all community members:
“We are excited to welcome you to the 2016-17 school year. As I look back on serving as the Superintendent of Schools for the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District, I reflect upon this outstanding learning community and the opportunities afforded to our students, families, and the community. We look forward to working together to build upon our successes as we offer an instructional program for all learners that is based on the new “three Rs”—relationships, relevance and rigor.

Oyster Bay’s own Theodore Roosevelt is credited with stating, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” As your district leaders, we are committed to doing the hard work that is truly ‘worth doing,’ as it is on behalf of all members of Oyster Bay-East Norwich. We believe in providing an educational program that maximizes each student’s personal potential for tomorrow’s world and appreciate your support as we collaboratively bring the district to the next level of opportunity and excellence.
We invite you to partner with us and attend board of education meetings and celebrations of student achievement. All events are posted and regularly updated on the district website: www.obenschools.org.
On behalf of the board of education, district faculty and staff, and most importantly, the students we serve, we wish only the best for a 2016-17 school year filled with much success, opportunity and celebration.”