David Jakim, with a Committee to Create and Preserve a Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary (CCPHHNS), will be speaking at the Port Washington Library in the Hagedorn Room on Oct. 13, from 4:30 to 5:20 p.m., followed by a discussion from 5:30-6:30 p.m., about the imminent threat to the Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary, a gorgeous natural area of Port Washington’s ponds, meadows and forests that is being destroyed by all-terrain vehicles and facing other harms and risks. Very few people are aware of the fact that this astonishingly large and eco-rich natural habitat exists on the Port Washington Peninsula.
In fact, at 240 acres, this area is the largest natural habitat on the peninsula. Formerly known as the Hempstead Harbor Sand Pits and here referred to as the Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary (HHNS), the area supports the greatest diversity of flora, fauna and biological communities on the peninsula.
The HHNS also contains Port Washington’s largest freshwater wetland and is an important part of Port Washington’s groundwater system. The Town of North Hempstead will soon be holding visioning sessions to determine the future of this area. Attend the meeting or email the Committee to Protect and Preserve a HHNS at HHNatureSanctuary@gmail.com to find out what you can do to protect this amazing natural area so crucial to the region’s wetlands, waters and biodiversity.