
Student Recognized For Volunteer Work

Division Avenue High School senior class president, Kristina Spano, recently receiVolunteer_101216Aved the Youth Recognition Award for Voluntarism from the Levittown Community Council. A certificate of recognition and a check were presented to Spano at the general membership meeting of the council.

Spano was nominated for the award by Division Avenue School Counselor Sharlene Defendini, who wrote, “Kristina is a leader in the school; in fact she may be ‘the’ leader of DAHS.”

Citing her work last year as junior class president and with the annual food drive, Spirit Week, Best Buddies and Peer Leader, Defendini credited 17-year-old Spano with “raising spirit within the building.”

The Youth Recognition Award offers an opportunity for organizations, which are members of the Community Council, to nominate a Levittown or Island Trees high school student who has made outstanding contributions to the organization making the nomination. The nominee must not have personally profited financially from his or her participation and the level of activity exhibited should be above and beyond the usual.

The mission of the Levittown Community Council is to bring pride and unity to the Levittown/Island Trees communities and to bring together organizations and residents in Levittown and its surrounding areas. The organization encourages voluntarism among all members of the community. In addition to this Youth Recognition Award, a Junior Volunteer of the Year Award is presented to outstanding middle school students every May.

For more information about Levittown Community Council, contact Pat Patane or Tom Kohlman at levittowncouncil@yahoo.com.

—Submitted by the Levittown Chamber of Commerce