
Girls Swim To First Place

An 8-0 season led the Levittown swim team to becoming the 2016 Conference 3 championship team. The team also currently ranks fifth in the Division A county championship meet held at the aquatic center at Eisenhower Park.

Coach Colleen Lang said she could not be more proud of the swimmers who worked diligently throughout the season’s practices and meets to acquire the conference championship title.

During the conference meet, MacArthur High School senior Rachel Greene set the district dive record of 161.32, exceeding the 2015 record of 144.75. Division Avenue sophomore Hyzell Lim also set a new record in the 100-meter butterfly during the county meet. Jamie Alvino, Alyssa Bourquin, Grace Connors, Victoria Coloma, Angelina Fazzino Rachel Greene, Hyzell Lim and Alicia Renda qualified for individual events at the county meet.

The Levittown swim team is comprised of students from Division Avenue and MacArthur high schools and Salk and Wisdom Lane middle schools.

Levittown swim team coach Colleen Lang is pictured with the Conference 3 championship team.