
Massapequa Dancer Named Scholar-Artist

Alexandra Ferrugia of the Massapequa UFSD, who is studying dance at Nassdancer_113016aau BOCES Long Island High School for the Arts (LIHSA), was recently named a Scholar-Artist Merit Award winner by the Long Island Arts Alliance. She earned the honor for excellence as a practicing artist and for superior academic achievement.

Ferrugia is considered a vital member of the LIHSA dance department. Through a dual commitment to intensive dance training and rigorous academics, she has built an impressive portfolio. She has studied a variety of diverse disciplines including anatomy, kinesiology, dance criticism and improvisational dance. She has been described as a “gifted” dancer with “fearless intelligence,” who has proven her mettle both in the classroom and the dance studio.

“Alexandra approaches her art with the intellect of an academic and her academics with the grace of a dancer,” said LIHSA dance instructor Michael Tester of his protégé. “She is nimble, both mentally and physically. The alchemy of her strength, talent and work ethic has transformed her into a role model and an inspiration to her peers. During the course of her studies, I have watched this talented, motivated individual explore her potential and blossom into a true renaissance woman.”

“This is an important acknowledgement of all of my hard work,” said Ferrugia of the award. “It’s so rewarding and it encourages me to work even harder to reach my goals. LISHA is a place where everyone works together and encourages one another…you become part of a family that constantly supports you and inspires you to achieve your dreams.”

—Submitted by Nassau BOCES