March Madness at Temple Or Elohim (TOE) in Jericho brought fun and excitement, celebrating the holiday of Purim, the holiday that commemorates the saving of Jews from the evil Haman and is celebrated with music, song and over the top costumes. Beginning, with a Purim spiel, Rabbi Abramowitz, Cantor Katz, Director of Education, Deborah Tract and congregants Paul Adler, Artie Mayer and Esther Reich retold the story of Esther, via tunes from the Wizard of Oz. The sanctuary was filled with people celebrating and booing the evil Haman.
During the same weekend, TOE’s fifth-grade participated in the “Madame Esther’s Living Wax Museum,” portraying their favorite Jewish personality. The synagogue’s lobby was filled with more than 40 children sharing their characters with visitors. Albert Einstein, a NASA astronaut, Judith Resnik, Anne Frank, Adam Sandler and more created an atmosphere of learning and enjoyment.

More Purim fun followed for the community with a carnival that consisted of games, prizes, raffles, a DJ and a bounce house. A highlight of the day’s festivities was a visit from the Plainview-Old Bethpage robotics team, who volunteered their time entertaining kids with creative, out-of-the-box activities.
Temple Or Elohim is a thriving synagogue that offers something for everyone from worship, to education, to events and volunteer activities. There is no place like Temple Or Elohim.
—Temple Or Elohim