One if by land, two if by sea, the Knickerbocker Yacht Hotel is the place to stay.
The boutique hotel has a fantastic location on Manhasset Bay while the rooms are bright and inviting, with several rooms having a view of the bay and marina.
With clean lines and a nautical setting, the rooms are reasonably priced, beginning at just under $300 a night, and located right in the heart of Port Washington.
Nearby is a culinary delight of restaurants, entertainment, concerts and culture.
On the evening of May 3, members of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce and local government officials gathered on its deck for its ribbon cutting ceremony and to enjoy a delightful array of cocktails and food by H on the Harbor, which catered the affair.

With gentle background music of a talented guitar player and a magician who performed deftness of hand, the staff cheerily provided tours and answered questions about staying in the hotel.
Because of it uniqueness and exclusive nature, with six elegantly appointed rooms, the Knickerbocker Yacht Hotel is the perfect setting for honeymoons, private meetings or an intimate weekend getaway.
With a charming bar area, guests can order a drink and step out of their stateroom to enjoy the view on the decks. Breakfast is served daily from 7 to 10 a.m.
For reservations, call 516-883-4800.