Michael N. Rosenblut, president and CEO of Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation, Chairman, Board of Managers, AgeWell New York, received the Lawrence E. Larson Memorial Award of Honor at the LeadingAge New York (LANY) Annual Conference and Exposition. The award was given by Andrew Cruikshank, chairman of the LANY Board of Directors.
“This award honors the late Larry Larson, the association’s first chair, and pays tribute to his distinguished service, dedication and foresight in aging services,” said Peter Seideman, Parker Jewish Institute’s chairman of the board. “The award is given to a member who has made outstanding contributions to the field and is a recognized leader at the state and national level with a reputation for humanitarian achievement and professional vision.”
As president and CEO of Parker Jewish Institute, Rosenblut leads one of the nation’s preeminent health care and rehabilitation centers for older adults, guiding the institute’s nationally recognized sub/post-acute care, short-term rehabilitation, long-term care and community divisions. He also directs a leading academic campus for the training of health care professionals and an important research center for studies related to aging.
Under Rosenblut’s aegis, Parker has developed a wide-ranging constellation of community health programs which address the continuum of care, social model day care centers, certified home health agency care and hospice programs. In addition, he has been an effective and respected advocate for long-term care, an individual whose opinion is heard by legislators throughout New York’s metropolitan and downstate region, at the state capitol in Albany, and in Washington, DC.