
Five Ways To Stop Feeling Overworked And Overwhelmed


stress 391654 1280In my work with multi-passionate, hard working women, I frequently encounter individuals who are experiencing an overall disconnect from themselves. Meeting the constant demands of career, family and social commitments has left them feeling drained, imbalanced and alone. Purpose disappears when our sole focus becomes “doing” instead of “being.”

I have developed a five step process to help individuals realign with their sense of purpose while nurturing themselves at a whole body level; even in times of stress and overload.

Number One 1Center Yourself

Plan for 5-10 minutes each morning to simply be with yourself. Before you turn on your devices, walk the dog or feed your kids, take some time to mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead. This time can be used to meditate, journal or visualize—whatever will help you welcome the day with a sense of peace and calm.

Number Two 2Fuel Your Body

Taking proper care of yourself on a physical level allows you to show up in the world more effectively and energetically. Be sure to eat whole, unprocessed foods and make sure to pack plenty of healthy snacks to tide hunger over as it arises throughout the day. A consistent exercise routine will also program you for a more positive mindset throughout your day.

Number Three 3Get Organized

When you have a full schedule, it is imperative that you do as much planning ahead of time as possible to ensure a smooth day ahead. Get acquainted with the “notes” section of your iPhone and throughout the day as needed, jot down ideas, lists and other important information that need to be documented. Meal and wardrobe prep at the beginning of each week are also instrumental tools so that you can wake up each day and focus on what is most important.

Number Four 4Get Adequate Amounts Of Sleep

Often times we sacrifice sleep to get things done, but performing at optimal levels in our daily lives requires us to fully recharge at night. Consider a routine that includes taking a warm shower, turning off your phone for a half-hour to read a book (not on your iPad) and dimming the lights to indicate to your body that it’s time to rest. Use the tools that you find soothing on a daily basis to induce deep rest and ground yourself for the night.

Number Five 5Practice Your Passions

Fill your life with an abundance of things that you love. Surrounding yourself with things that you are passionate about will empower and inspire you. Find beauty everywhere. Listen to a song that moves you. Define your bliss and put it into action. When you take the time to align with activities that bring you joy, you will operate at your best throughout the day and feel less overwhelmed and more energized.

By committing to these five strategies, even the most overloaded individuals can find moments of peace, balance and centeredness in the midst of overwhelm and challenge.

Melody Pourmoradi is a women’s life and wellness coach at Life Evolutions Coaching. Check out www.lifeevolutionscoaching.com to learn more.