
Apple Gadgets

AppleGadgets A e1507143803492The simple apple. Some bakers would argue that the pomaceous fruit is much more intense than it leads on, worthy of unique utensils. We bet Johnny Appleseed would approve of these apple gadgets.

Apple Peeler/Corer 

Williams Sonoma $29.95

Coring an apple with a handheld segmenting tool can sometimes lead to an uneven, juicy mess. Save time and frustration by peeling and coring your apple as you prepare to bake your pie. This old-fashioned tool (pictured above) suctions to your countertop for sturdy, precise peeling via a hand crank. It also peels, cores and slices apples, pears and potatoes.

Knife Set

AppleGadgets EWusthof Classic 7-piece Slim Knife Block Set $349.95

You’ll need a good knife set to slice into crisp, juicy apples with ease and precision. Make sure your set comes with a good paring knife.


AppleGadgets BAmazon $99.95

Tired of the carrot, beet and celery juice? Make your own apple juice with the Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor by Breville.

Pie plate

AppleGadgets DBed Bath & Beyond $9.99

No good, self-respecting baker should be without a decent pie plate in their kitchen. Glass is great, but ceramic also stands up to heat. This 10-Inch Decorative Ceramic Apple Pie Plate also includes a convenient recipe for apple pie right at the bottom.

Immersion Blender

AppleGadgets CAmazon $75

Blend homemade applesauce to the perfect consistency with the Waring hand immersion blender. Smooth, sweet applesauce awaits. Also give it a whirl with smoothies, especially if you want to avoid gritty apple and pear green smoothies.


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