
North Shore Action Protests For Dreamers’ Rights

North Shore Action and other community members held a rally in front of the U.S. Post Office at 661 Middle Neck Rd. in Great Neck, across from the Village Green, to stand up for immigrant rights in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 15.

The group condemned the divisive language used by the President, as well as the closing of the country’s boundaries to immigrants based on religion, race and political or economic situations. The community group cannot stay silent when leaders use racist and divisive
language because, “We are all dreamers.”

The previous week’s events reminded the group of the importance and necessity of speaking up and registering its disagreement publicly, unequivocally and fervently.

North Shore Action believes in the need to be clear to neighbors and elected officials that it condemns this approach to immigrants and immigration policy, and is sure that elected officials who condone or stay silent while immigrant and minority rights are stripped away will most definitely be affected next election, especially in the November 2018 midterms.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Silence is betrayal.”

All are welcome to attend the next meeting of North Shore Action on Sunday, Feb. 11, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Great Neck House. Learn more at northshoreaction@gmail.com.