Farmingdale residents urged to attend Feb. 13 meeting
The Feb. 13 special meeting of the Republic Airport Commission (RAC) promises to be lively, especially if members of area civic associations have their say.
The RAC will meet at 7 p.m. in conference room 201 of the main terminal, at 7150 Republic Airport in East Farmingdale. Enter at Grumman Lane off of Route 110, adjacent to the Marriott Hotel, or follow signs.
The commission is a volunteer board that advises the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), which operates the airport. It’s six yearly meetings are open to the public.
A meeting agenda was not available, but it’s assumed that the RAC will discuss the development of five unused parcels totaling about 41½ acres at the state-owned airport, which covers about 530 acres.
Last February, the state’s Empire Development Corporation (ESD), on behalf of the DOT, awarded a $50 million contract to Stratosphere to develop the parcels. The company is closely affiliated with Talon Air, the airport’s fixed base operator, and was one of three firms who replied to a request for proposal (RFP) the ESD had put out in February 2016.
The ESD’s press release noted that the “plan, including rent and fueling flowage fees, is expected to result in over $1 million in annual revenue to the airport for the next 49 years,” and that the firm “will invest at least $27 million in new facilities at Republic Airport. Stratosphere will build hangars for its own fleet of planes and provide new modern facilities for smaller pilots in the community.”
In addition, “Respondents to the RFP were encouraged to submit proposals to develop all or any of the five parcels and to consider aviation and non-aviation related uses. [Stratosphere’s] proposal will develop all five pieces of property for aviation. It will create 73 permanent jobs and 226 construction jobs.”
The press release went on to note that the airport operates at a loss, costing the state about $250,000 a year in subsidies.
One of the losing bidders, LI Clean Tech, sued the ESD, DOT and Stratosphere last November, claiming that the bid was influenced by the contributions made by Talon/Stratosphere CEO Adam Katz to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s electoral campaigns. Though the lawsuit continues, the Office of State Comptroller, which has final say over state bids, dismissed LI Clean Tech’s allegations in a determination made Jan. 5.
Not Within, But Of Concern To Village
Though not within the jurisdiction of the Village of Farmingdale, the future of the airport should be on the radar for Farmingdale residents.
That was the takeaway from a Feb. 1 meeting of the Concerned Citizens Association of Farmingdale (CCAF) at Ellsworth Allen Park in the village. CCAF President Tina Diamond and guest speaker John Lisi of Lindenhurst urged the several dozen people in attendance to become aware of the consequences of what was happening at the nearby facility.
Lisi is a member of Republic Civic Coalition for Integrity and Compliance, made up of area civic associations whose members felt they had not gotten enough input into the proposals.
Lisi and other speakers familiar with the effort to exploit Republic Airport for economic development said the RAC might also take up the issue of a second instrument landing system (ILS) at the airport, which currently has one. An ILS supplies pilots with GPS coordinates to enable them to land their planes even when they can’t see the runway.
The speakers speculated that a second ILS might lead to even more jets using the busy general aviation airport. Residents at the meeting complained about the noise from the aircraft.
Lisi said that the Republic Civic Coalition for Integrity and Compliance was disappointed by the comptroller’s finding.
The Coalition, sent the following letter to New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli last August, but according to Lisi the concerns have not been answered.
The Letter:
The Republic Airport Coalition for Integrity and Compliance believes that the integrity of the process for the award of five parcels to Talon/Stratosphere, as well as the results of the Environmental Assessment for this project, have been compromised from the beginning. Below are some of our issues of greatest concern:
1) Why was the first RFP superseded by a second RFP under a different State Agency with a less stringent approval process?
2) Why was the public not informed of the RFP process?
3) How could the SEQRA Environmental Assessment (EA) be prepared on July 19, 2017 and a “negative declaration” be determined on July 20, 2017?
4) Doesn’t this fast-tracked sequence raise questions, especially since it did not provide opportunity for public review and comment?
5) Did Talon/Stratosphere use the Environmental Assessment long form or short form? Why did they not inform the community of this starting point in an environmental process?
6) On what basis was either the long or short form selected and just how complete are the answers?
7) A previously approved project at Republic Airport provided an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) with complete community involvement from start to finish. Why has Talon/Stratosphere not been required to do an appropriate comprehensive Environmental Impact Study for a project of a larger scope and magnitude?
8) It was the community’s understanding that commercial/retail land usage would be part of any future development. Why was the change of land use from commercial to aviation for this developer not addressed in the Environmental Assessment? What alternative uses were identified for each parcel and the Echo Ramp and were they reviewed in the environmental assessment?
9) Were endangered species, flora and fauna considered in same?
10) Have all parcels and surrounding areas been included in the comprehensive Traffic Study including the Echo Ramp?
11) An April 6, 2017 meeting was convened at the request of the community to address questions that were unable to be answered at the March 2, 2017 meeting. How can the DOT’s July 20, 2017 determination of “negative declaration” claim that the April 6, 2017 meeting addressed the environmental process?
12) There was never a scoping session or a public hearing regarding the Talon/Stratosphere project. How can Talon/Stratosphere claim that their “community outreach” consisted of the April 30,2015 meeting at the Melville Fire Station, when that meeting was in fact a multiple civic association gathering for the sole purpose of protesting Governor Cuomo’s call, in his State of the State address, to transform Republic Airport into a commercial airport and had nothing to do with Talon?
13) Can the community be given written assurance that Republic Airport will never become a commercial airport with scheduled flights or cargo service, rather than our being asked to simply rely on the indefinite language that continues to leave open this issue which is of utmost importance to the community?
14) It is the Coalition’s understanding that the offices of the New York State Comptroller, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services; and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) must approve this project. How can the Environmental Assessment indicate that construction will begin in October 2017? Have these agencies begun their review processes?
15) The community is concerned about the apparent improprieties of this entire process to date. We question whether the significant campaign contributions to Governor Cuomo by Adam Katz, Talon Air, its principals and associates have influenced this process.
Once again, we are respectfully requesting that you invalidate and rescind the award of parcels and the Environmental Assessment, in their entirety, so that the process can begin anew, with a transparency that only a new RFP. and an appropriate SEQRA Environmental Impact Study, with full community knowledge and inclusion can provide.