Motivated by historic election victories in November and inspired by neighbor and current Nassau District Attorney Madeline Singas, a group of Manhasset women have joined together for the purpose of engaging more women in local government and politics.
The non-partisan group’s first event, Women for Singas, will highlight Singas’ extraordinary record of successful prosecutions in only two years in office, and her aggressively addressing the broader issues affecting our communities and our families, among them, the opioid epidemic, guns, gangs, domestic violence and government corruption.
More specifically, under her leadership, the district attorney’s office captured the Northeast’s top MS-13 gang leader, has cracked down on drug trafficking and is tackling the heroin and opioid epidemic with a comprehensive three-pronged strategy of enforcement, treatment and prevention. Singas has also been invited to Washington, D.C., to discuss gun trafficking through the Iron Pipeline from Florida to New York.
“This isn’t about partisan politics or picking sides,” explained Charlene Prounis, the creator who brought the group together. “This is about knowing what’s going on in our community, understanding the issues, meeting the women who have the courage to serve in public office and supporting those we know are making our families safer.”
Prounis continued by explaining, “A driving force behind this initiative was hearing Madeline share a stunning and troubling fact: 85 percent of those who attend her fundraisers are men. This event is intended to change that and highlight the critical importance of women supporting women.”
In the last two years, women have made history in Nassau County. The county elected its first female county executive (Laura Curran) and first female Seventh District state senator (Elaine Phillips), and two of three towns now have female supervisors (Judi Bosworth and Laura Gillen). This effort reflects the organizing group’s strong belief that women have a responsibility—to themselves, to their children, to their community—to keep this momentum going.
The first Women for Singas event will take place Wednesday, March 14, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at a private residence in Manhasset. Tickets begin at $100, which will go to “Friends of Madeline Singas” and support her future campaigns. For more information, visit www.madelinesingas.com/womenforsingas, email Kelsey at kmahan720@gmail.com or call 516-627-1367.
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