
Port Girl Scouts Hold International Tasting Event

GSTasting 022118A
Troop #470 representing Puerto Rico
By Sona Hyde

Once a year, the World Association of Girl Scouts encourages Scouts to participate in World Thinking Day which celebrates the cultures of troops around the world, so the Port Washington Girl Scouts took their community for a trip around the world with the fourth annual International Tasting Event.

Troops got together to transform the Polish American Hall into a multi-cultural experience for its troop members as well as family and friends. The Girl Scouts also invited seniors from the Port Washington Senior Center and the Landmark.

Eighteen troops were in attendance ranging in levels from Daisy to Ambassadors. Each troop represented a different country and used pictures, decorations, crafts, costumes and fun facts to share information about their country. Each table had bite-sized food samples for the guests to enjoy. For their table, each troop researched their country using Internet sites, cookbooks and family recipes.

Countries represented this year include Germany, Mexico, Peru, India, Belgium, France, China, Greece, Norway, Switzerland, Brazil, Bulgaria, Israel, Denmark, the Netherlands and Italy. Two troops got creative and represented areas of the United States including the deep south and Puerto Rico.

The Port Washington Girl Scouts hope that the girls and their guests take away the valuable cultural lessons about troops from around the world and enjoyed the feeling of sisterhood of Girl Scouts that was felt in the room.