The Incorporated Village of Sands Point held the second public hearing regarding proposed local law one of 2018 entitled, “Amending Chapter 132 of the Village Code, entitled ‘Village of Sands Point Site Plan Review Law,’ and Chapter 84 of the Village Code, entitled, ‘Filling, Excavation and Grading,’”
at the Feb. 27 regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees before adopting the law into the village code.
The new local law limits the jurisdiction of the Planning Board to applications for the subdivision of land and the abandonment of subdivision maps. It also gives the Board of Appeals jurisdiction over area and use variances pursuant to Village Code Chapter 176, tennis court applications pursuant to Village Code Chapter 176, fill permits pursuant to Village Code Chapter 84, site plan review applications pursuant to Village Code Chapter 132, dock applications pursuant to Village Code Chapter 70, coastal erosion hazard application variances and appeals pursuant to Village Code Chapter 66 and tree permit application appeals pursuant to Village Code Chapter 157.
“After reviewing the statutory jurisdiction of each board, the amount of time devoted by each board and its members to their respective jurisdictions, the number of applications heard before each board and all other relevant factors, the Board of Trustees has determined that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the residents of the village and more effective and efficient to expand the jurisdiction of the Planning Board to include applications for site plan review for new dwellings, where the new dwelling is being constructed on a lot created by a subdivision approval granted by the Planning Board,” reads the law.
Local law one continues, “Because fill applications are customarily and typically considered simultaneously with a site plan review application, the Board of Trustees shall also amend Chapter 84 of the Village Code, so that the jurisdiction over filling, excavation and grading permits follows jurisdiction of the board performing the site plan review.”
Approved at the meeting were a pump replacement for Well 5A, the purchase of eight fire hydrants, the purchase of one additional license plate reader for the Sands Point Police Department, the Schreiber High School Gambol at the Sands Point Preserve on June 22, the restoration of the marble floor at the mansion at the Village Club of Sands Point and the appointment of Trustee Peter Forman as the Telecom Coordinator.
“We’re appointing Peter to review all of the telecommunication needs of the village, the club, the water department, police department.” said Mayor Edward Adler. “Can we save any money, can we get better service for the same money, can we enhance the quality of the service or physical equipment like phones at village hall, cell phones, and try to get us on track for a total picture, something I’ve talked about with Peter for years now. It would be much appreciated if he can steer us through, if not save us money, then get us better service for what we’re paying.”
After his appointment, Forman gave advice regarding a potential licensing agreement between the village and T-Mobile Northeast, LLC.
“A few months back representatives from T-Mobile reached out to us about a proposal to renew the Fair Lane site,” said Village Attorney John Christopher. “They came back with
a low offer that seems pretty nice. Right now we’re at $3,895 per month at the Fair Lane site. The renewal term won’t start for two years, so at that point we’ll be at $4,132, and they’ve offered to renew at $4,800 a month which is a 14 percent increase. With that we also get a four-year rent guarantee, which now we don’t have, and they can pull out for pretty much anything they want, so this will lock them in for four years.”
“I think the big picture we’re dealing with is that, in the current environment, having pervasive cell phone service throughout the village is an essential safety and lifestyle necessity,” said Forman. “Based on the survey we did, all of the major carriers had significant weak spots in the village.”