All Roads Fleet Service & Supply, distributor of high quality parts and service for heavy duty and medium duty fleets, will be offering a 609 Certification Air Conditioning Clinic, on Tuesday, May 8. Technicians who repair or service MVAC systems or purchase R134A are now required to be trained and certified under section 609 of the Clean Air Act. To be certified, technicians must review the training material thoroughly and then pass a test demonstrating their knowledge of the material.
The 609 Certification Air-conditioning clinic will be held on May 8 at 179 Herricks Road in Garden City, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. This interactive clinic will provide technicians with everything they need to know about the 609 certification and they will be administered tests during this time. 609 certification tests will then be submitted to the EPA and sent directly to technicians upon completion.
Seating for the clinic is limited, is $35 to attend, and pre-registration is required (dinner will be provided at 5:15 p.m.).
To register for the event, call 516-746-0836 and ask for the parts department to make a reservation or email
Since 1950, All Roads Fleet Service & Supply has been providing fleets throughout the New York metropolitan area with the parts and service needed to keep vehicles running smoothly.
For more information about the upcoming 609 Air Conditioning Certification Clinic, call 516-746-0836.