
Back To School Necessities

back to school supplies

With the new school year approaching, so does the impending back-to-school shopping. There are many supplies that could be recycled from last year, like notebooks with only a few used pages, unopened packs of pens and craft supplies like crayons or markers. However, there are a few essential staples that should be purchased new every year for the best chance at a productive start to the new year.

SchoolSupplies BSneakers

Payless ($9.99-$19.99)

Besides the obvious need of new shoes as your child’s feet grow, new shoes are an important buy because sneakers tend to get worn out quickly between recess, gym class and the typical “kid stuff.” Well-fitting, comfortable shoes are important as they can help prevent injuries, as well as cut down on distractions caused by feet in pain. Girls can kick the school year off with these gray and pink Zoe & Zac sneakers ($9.99) and boys can get a running start with Champion’s Gusto Cross Trainer ($19.99).

SchoolSupplies A2Backpack

Target $16

A new backpack helps to start the new year on the right foot. By the end of the previous year, backpacks tend to get messy with crumbs, old papers and the unfortunate piece of fruit that always seems to make its way to the bottom of the bag. Head to Target and pick up a backpack like this one, everyone’s favorite sister duo from Disney’s Frozen or other colorful options.

SchoolSupplies CPlanner

Barnes & Noble $10.95

Since they usually only contain one school year each, a new planner or agenda is essential for a new school year. Not only do they help keep track of assignments and tests but they can also help remind students of practices, social events or study groups. With so many beautiful and creative options to choose from at Barnes & Noble, it will be hard to pick one, but this 2019 Blue Agate Weekly Flex Cover Planner is a good start.

SchoolSupplies DPencil case

Staples $2.49

Pencils and pens tend to get “borrowed” and then never returned throughout the year. To help avoid this problem, a pencil holder cannot only remind a student to bring pencils to class and make sure they are prepared and do not need to borrow, but it will also help them keep track of how many they have left. These colorful pencil pouches from Staples are cute and easy to see how many writing utensils are available.

SchoolSupplies EHoodie

Kohl’s $21.99

Fluctuating temperatures between classrooms can be a real problem in many schools, so send your child to school equipped with a sweatshirt or sweater that can easily be stored in a bag or locker. Keep cozy in this fleece full-zip style from Kohl’s. Just be sure to write your child’s name on the tag in marker to avoid ending up in the lost and found box.

SchoolSupplies FFolders

Target starting at 50 cents

Folders that can be assigned to certain subjects are a helpful buy. They teach students great organizational skills and assigning color to each subject makes it easy for them to locate their work. Be sure to stock up on dozens of colors and designs at Target as your child will no doubt need more than a few to get through the year. A helpful hint: folders with bottom pockets are less likely to cause spillage.