
2018 Pride In Port Schedule Of Events

Pride in Port cover 2018 1024x520 1The Annual Hall of Fame Ceremony and Breakfast

Schreiber High School Cafeteria, 9 a.m.

2018 Inductees

Robin Beil Mansfield (Class of 1976)
Susan Graser Weiss (Class of 1998)
Robert D. Moore (Class of 1967)
John Nahas (Class of 1979)
John Wade (Class of 1986)

Inductees Escorted To Vehicles For Parade Line-up

Campus Drive, 10:30 a.m.

Pride In Port Parade

Main Street near Belleview Avenue up to Campus Drive, 11:30 a.m.

Grand Marshal

Residents Forward

Family Fun Day

Campus Drive, 12:15 p.m.

Senior Citizens’ Luncheon

Schreiber High School Cafeteria, 12:30 p.m.

Football Game Start

Port Washington vs. Baldwin High School, 1:30 p.m.

Dinner Dance

Polish American Hall (5 Pulaski Pl.), 7 p.m.


Mariann Dalimonte