Evert “Red” Seuter, a Great Neck resident for 45 years and owner of Checkmate Roofing for more than 40, died at home in Fernandina Beach, FL, on Nov. 27. He was 74 years old.
Red was born on April 21, 1944, in Deventer, the Netherlands.
He coached St. Aloysius’s CYO soccer team for many years and was a member of Steppingstone Yacht Club.
He is survived by his wife of almost 55 years, Dorothy B. Seuter; his son, Brian J. Seuter; four grandchildren, Griffin Seuter, Avery Seuter and the children of his late son, Edward J. Seuter, Kirsten Seuter and Gillian Seuter; as well as his beloved German Shepherd dogs, Radar and Tess.
A celebration of Red’s life will be held at the Fireman’s Benevolent Hall on Steamboat Road on Feb. 2 at noon. For more information, contact Brian at brianseuter@gmail.com.