New Year, New Courses
The Great Neck Social Center wishes everyone all the best in the New Year and would like to remind the community that the Great Neck Board of Education provides adult programs at the social center for enrollees older than 60 for a processing fee of $30 for each seven-session course. For a full listing of winter classes in all levels of art, bridge, exercise, dancing, yoga, tai chi and more, view pages 59 to 63 of the Great Neck Public School’s Community Education catalog.
Games People Play
Stop by with a friend or meet new ones at the open game session, and enjoy an afternoon of stimulating activity and good company while playing Scrabble, chess, poker, bridge, canasta, mah-jongg, Rummikub, etc., every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. There are also times for free-play ping-pong and billiards. Participants can enjoy conversation while knitting or painting, or come sing along to music.
Party Times
Watch for notices of good times, good foods, good music and pleasant entertainment at upcoming holiday and birthday celebrations at the social center. Check the easel announcements in the center hall, the weekly columns in the local paper and the center’s colorful monthly newsletter.
Winter Boutique Sales
Bargains and beautiful gifts are yours for the browsing if you come to the center’s ongoing sale. Save lots of money and enjoy looking at handbags, jewelry, fabrics, beautiful china, cookbooks, silver and lots more. Anything and everything you buy supports the center, so thanks in advance.
Film Screening
Movie Day at the center will be held on Thursday, Jan. 17, at 10:30 a.m.
The World in Depth
Every Thursday at 2 p.m., join a group of with-it men and women to discuss what goes on all over the globe. The talk gets lively and even heated, because many ideas are shared. Keeping the group on topic are moderators, such as Dr. Stan Dacher, Shirley Romaine, Martin Bomser, Dr. John Mulvey and an occasional guest moderator. It’s free to put in your own two cents.
What’s Womanspace?
Decades ago, a group of active women began an exemplary operation for independence and equality for women. The group meets at the center on Wednesday afternoons for fascinating discussions and on Monday afternoons for a memoir writing class. Stop in to see if you would enjoy becoming a member.
A Stitch in Time
Fingers fly, needles click and happy talk chatters along on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. as participants make lovely knit work, including afghans, baby caps, sweaters and scarves, to keep young and old warm and comfortable. Join the group in its efforts to give back where it is needed in our communities. Needles or crochet hooks will be provided.
Caregivers Support Group
If you are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s, the center has small groups, which are especially helpful in caring for persons with early stage Alzheimer’s, that meet on Tuesdays from 2 to 3:30 p.m. under the professional guidance of Gail Busillo, LCSW. Learn more at 516-487-0025.
Piano Maestro Dr. Herb
Dr. Herb, the center’s skilled, charming and multitalented pianist, plays classics, show tunes, Great American Songbook, popular melodies and music from other cultures for free every Monday and Friday from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. Enjoy a cup of tea, a little morning snack, listen and hum along as he tickles the ivories.
The Great Neck Social Center is located at 80 Grace Ave.; 516-487-0025.