
Chinese Artists In America Exhibit Opens

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More than 50 performers, from ages 5 to 75, captivated the large audience. (Photo by Dihan Like)

The Great Neck Chinese Association teams up with the Gold Coast Arts Center

By Colin Hu

The Gold Coast Arts Center (GCAC) and the Great Neck Chinese Association (GNCA) celebrated the opening of the Chinese Artists in America exhibition at the GCAC gallery on Sunday, Jan. 13.

In addition to the beautiful artwork on display from eight contemporary Chinese-American artists, the reception included a traditional Chinese concert and refreshments. The performances commenced with a greeting from GCAC Gallery Director Jude Amsel, Executive Director Regina Gil and GNCA Cochairman Jing Wang. Colin Hu and Laura Zhang, sixth graders at Great Neck South Middle School, hosted the event.

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The Chinese Instrument Ensemble performed on traditional instruments, including erhu and yang qing. (Photo by Dihan Like)

The concert featured seven performances. The first was the Chinese Instrument Ensemble with “Xi Yang Yang (Be Happy)” and “Turpan’s Grapes Are Ripe,” accompanied by dancing. The traditional Chinese instruments played included erhu and yang qing.

Next, Chinese Drum featured six elementary school students playing “Ma Deng Dance” on different types of Chinese drums.


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The duet performed on guzheng, which has 21 strings and is played with plucks taped onto the musician’s fingers. (Photo by Dihan Like)

The Chinese Guzheng Duet performed “Dong Ting New Song” on an instrument called guzheng, which has 21 strings and is played with plucks taped onto the musician’s fingers.

Then, the Chinese Cucurbit Flute Solo played “Wedding Vow” in a spectacular performance that featured a unique woodwind instrument called the cucurbit flute, made from the cucurbit fruit.


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Three violinists and a piano accompanist performed the Chinese song “Painted Heart.” (Photo by Dihan Like)

Four instrumentalists, comprised of three girls on violin and a piano accompanist, performed the Chinese song “Painted Heart.”

The elegant dance “Women Flowers” followed with five women showcasing gracefulness.

A lovely children’s chorus presented the final performance, singing the famous traditional Chinese melody “Jasmine Flowers.”


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Six elementary school students played Chinese drums. (Photo by Dihan Like)

More than 10 traditional Chinese instruments were played and more than 50 performers, from ages from 5 to 75, captivated the large audience in the filled room.

“I’m really excited to promote Chinese culture in our community,” said Yan Ma, concert director. “We hope more and more neighbors understand, enjoy and are proud of the Chinese fine arts.”


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The Great Neck Chinese Association and the Gold Coast Arts Center are showcasing Chinese Artists In America. (Photo by Dihan Like)

After the concert, people gathered in the gallery to view the works of artists who have created a new visual language that embodies aspects of traditional Chinese art while responding to a time of great transition. The artwork expresses personal beliefs, national pride and international awareness.

This special event allowed the Great Neck community to share, learn and harness the experience of the Chinese culture, while enjoying the performances and the fine arts of the Chinese heritage.

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Gold Coast Arts Center Gallery Director Jude Amsel and Concert Director Yan Ma pose at the exhibit opening.  (Photo by Dihan Like)

“The exhibition opening event is great,” said an attendee. “We loved it so much. The Great Neck Chinese Association enriches the life of our community and widens horizons for our children. The performance was great and the paintings offered a look at traditional Chinese life. It is very interesting.”

GNCA student reporter Colin Hu is a sixth grader at South Middle, who loves math and science and plays the violin.






林子恒(Andy Lin)


2019年1月13日星期日,GNCA (大颈华人协会)携手 Gold Coast Arts Center Gallery (黄金海岸艺术中心画廊) 举办了中国艺术展览兼中国音乐招待会活动。本次活动除了参观中国艺术(品) 之外还包括7个不同的表演,每个表演都有展现不同的中国文化元素。表演中包括中国传统舞蹈,鼓乐,乐器,歌曲与合唱。


为了这次精彩表演, 负责人王璟和艺术指导马艳很早就着手准备, 所有演职人员都付出很多时间练习。 中国音乐节大约在4:30开始到7:00左右结束,演出后节目组还为大家准备了少许爽口的甜品, 一边品尝一边观赏各种美丽的传统中国艺术品。







林子恒 (Andy Lin): 大颈南初中6年级学生,大颈华人协会小记者