Five decades plus is a long time to be in a band. But for John Lodge, the time has flown by quickly as he clocked in thousands of hours in the studio and on stage. Here is a trio of Moodys albums that continue to resonate for him.
Days Of Future Passed (1967)
“This has to be on the list because it was the first one. We were young and Laissez-faire as they say. We knew what songs we were going to do and we knew how we were going to do it and we just did it. We didn’t see any parameters about anything. We were fearless, I suppose.”
Seventh Sojourn (1972)
“I think the name of the album represented the end of the week and sojourn meant we were going to take a break. We didn’t know at the time, but that’s what happened. We didn’t work again for another four or five years together as a band.”
Long Distance Voyager (1981)
“It was the album that really put us back on the charts. We released it during the punk period, and it went to number one in America. We were amazed how all the Moody Blues fans stayed with us all that time, waiting for us to go back into the studio. Everyone came out and bought the album. It was a wonderful time for me personally.”
Read LIW‘s full interview with John Lodge: