
Nassau County Expands Successful Pilot Pothole Program


PotholeNassau County Executive Laura Curran recently announced the expansion of a successful pilot program that provides an immediate fix for potholes, long-term permanent resurfacing programs and infrastructure goals for 2019. Curran has mandated an aggressive approach to roadway infrastructure investment, maintenance and improvement for peak pothole season.

“With over 1,500 lane miles in Nassau, we have a lot of work to do,” said Curran. “In 2019, we plan on doubling the number of roads paved, for a total of 175 lane miles. It is vital to Nassau County’s residents and businesses to maintain a top-quality road infrastructure.”

Looking toward the future to address infrastructure, Nassau County is undergoing a Roadway Sustainability and Compliance Study, through New York Metropolitan Transportation Council’s United Planning Works Program (UPWP). The study is assessing existing roadway conditions on county-owned roads so that DPW staff can prepare ongoing long-term plans to maintain these roadways consistent with federal and state guidelines for pavement assessment and roadway signage.

“The prior administration neglected road resurfacing. My team has put an aggressive plan together to get Nassau’s roads back in top-notch condition. Everywhere I go, people ask about roads. Let me assure you, we are listening, and we will get the job done,” said Curran.

“While conducting this study, we recognized that there was an immediate concern of roadway conditions, so the Department of Public Works (DPW) began a pilot pothole program in fall 2018 for short term/interim resurfacing. The resurfacing included milling and filling larger areas of roadway allowing for safer road surfaces in anticipation of our long-term permanent resurfacing program,” said Brian Schneider, Deputy County Executive for Parks and Public Works.

The pilot program has proven to be successful and DPW plans to significantly expand it in 2019. In 2018, DPW filled a total of 60,057 potholes; paved 87 lane miles (up 20 percent from 2017); filled approximately 37 potholes per mile and deployed seven three-man crews a day during peak pothole season.

In 2019, DPW plans on doubling these numbers to repave a total of 175 lane miles—a 130 percent increase since 2017. The county recently purchased six new hot boxes used for asphalt to address potholes to help carry out the ambitious plan.

“It is important for the gateways of our communities in Nassau County to be welcoming and safe for motorists. In particular, I am confident this will address safety concerns on Shore Road, enhance the area’s natural beauty and improve the accessibility of the beach and playground,” said Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton.

Historically, DPW has bid $4-5 million resurfacing contracts. This year, DPW will bid a $15 million road resurfacing contract to solicit interest from new firms capable of delivering large projects, as well as expanding their vendor pool. In addition, this new contract will include incentives for the firm selected to complete the resurfacing of more than 63 lane miles within the 2019 paving season.

DPW contractors will begin permanent repaving in the spring when the weather breaks. DPW will continue with temporary resurfacing efforts throughout the winter if/when the weather is warm enough to accommodate the laying of asphalt.

Potholes should be reported to the Nassau County Department of Public Works, Highway Maintenance Unit at 516-571-6900 or through the Nassau Now mobile application.

—Submitted by Nassau County