
Students Receive Phys Ed Awards

Sports GNPS PhysEdAwardsA NH Zone Winners
Christina Li and Maor Amar of North High School are congratulated by Charles Rizzuto, president of Nassau Zone NYS AHPERD. (Photo by Dorothy Niemira and Ryan Fisk)

Four Great Neck Public Schools students received the Outstanding Physical Education Award, which honors high school seniors who are recognized as leaders in physical education and serve as role models to their peers, from the Nassau Zone of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD).

Maor Amar and Christina Li of North High School and Ryan Concha and Gloria Moon of South High were honored at a banquet at the Crest Hollow Country Club.

Sports GNPS PhysEdAwardsB SH Zone Winners
South High’s Gloria Moon and Ryan Concha are congratulated by Charles Rizzuto, president of Nassau Zone NYS AHPERD. (Photo by Dorothy Niemira and Ryan Fisk)

Award recipients lead a healthy and physically active lifestyle, and demonstrate responsible behaviors such as good sportsmanship, character and citizenship.