
Best Ways To Commute In New York City

Best ways to commute in NYC

By Grace Cartwright

Anyone who has ever spent a day in NYC knows that surviving the NYC traffic and keeping your spirits up is next to impossible. For starters, let’s not forget that New York is home to millions of people who are bound to coexist in a limited space. During the day, a large chunk of NYC’s population will flock to Manhattan—the epicenter of the business world and social gatherings. Whether you are coming in from the suburbs, the Bronx or another borough, you are certainly not looking forward to trudging through the nightmare that Manhattan commute is. But, since New York City is a place graced with opportunities in all spheres of life, it doesn’t disappoint when it comes to transportation options.

There are a few ways to commute in NYC without having to be stuck in traffic for hours and no, none of them include you sitting in the comfort of your vehicle while on your way to work. 

Use the subway

Suffice it to say that New York City’s subway is the largest subway system in the world to give you an idea of how widely used and popular it is with the residents of the city that never sleeps. It’s by far the most efficient way to get places but the most efficient way is usually the most crowded one. A Metro Card will get you anywhere in the city for only $121 per month. But beware—you might have to wait for a few trains to pass before you can actually board one. Rest assured that there will come days when you will have to wait an hour for a train with only your podcast or phone to keep you company. Nothing’s ever perfect, right? 

Hail a cab

If you are living in NYC, you’ve probably hailed a cab more times than you can count. When the subway is a no-go for some reason, Big Apple’s residents turn to the iconic yellow cabs. With over 14,000 cabs in service, it’s no wonder why these vehicles have won over the hearts of New Yorkers. If you live close to a coworker or two, you could use a cab to carpool. While all the benefits so far point to you making NYC’s cabs your primary way of transport, there is one huge disadvantage associated with that prospect—the cost. Since media groups like Anton Media Group have been reporting on NYC’s rising costs, you have to make sure adding another expense to your daily budget is something you want and can afford. If you can, you were really born under a lucky star. 

Ride a bike

In case you prefer to live on the active side of life, then bikes are the perfect solution for you. You get to have that blood circulating through your veins before arriving to work, and physical activity is known for its enhancing work performance powers. All you have to do is carefully plan out your route and choose the quickest and safest one. There’s another reason why riding a bike is one of the best ways to commute in NYC. Even if you don’t have one, you can rent a City Bike for as little as $15 per month, which amounts to $163 annually. When you become a member, you get a key which unlocks bikes on various stations, and your first 45 minutes on the bike are completely free. This means that, if you make a strategic plan, you can switch bikes throughout the city after 45 minutes so, technically, they become free of charge.

Board on a bus

A bus may not be the most glamorous option, but it does the trick. We all want a bit of glitz and glam in our lives, but if the best ways to commute in NYC are what you are looking for, then you’ll have to be more realistic. A bus is a good option because it offers a plethora of advantages. Firstly, there are countless bus stops spread throughout NYC, and all you have to do is stand at one and wait for the vehicle to arrive. Secondly, the aforementioned bus stops are usually two to three blocks apart, so you won’t have to do much walking before arriving at your desired destination. That may not be the definition of healthy living but it is the definition of convenience and easy access. Finally, the bus is a budget-friendly option. For a standard bus, the fares are as low as $2.75 and $6.50 for express buses. Case closed. 

Break in your shoes

Granted, getting places on foot is somewhat impossible in a city as big as New York. However, if you were blessed to live close to your place of work, then you should take advantage of that fact. Arm yourself with comfortable shoes and find a good daily route to work. It’s better to spend half an hour a day walking than spending that same time being stuck in traffic. Besides, you must already be well-familiar with how healthy and beneficial walking is, so there’s no need to delve into that. Don’t wait for your senior years to get a hold of your life and finally find enough time for taking strolls around the city.

Finding alternative ways to commute in NYC is easy    

All you need is a bit of imagination. Like to be a daredevil? Rely on your skateboard to get wherever you want. Want to ride in style without spending too much money? Then give UberPOOL a go. No one can tell you what the best ways to commute in NYC are for you, as only you have a say in that matter. 

Grace Cartwright is a creative writer by profession, and is currently a blog content writer for Divine Moving and Storage NYC. Born and raised in New York, she considers herself a true New Yorker enamored with art, bohemian lifestyle, as well as literature.