
Seaford Teachers Enhance Their Life-Saving Skills

Safety Training
Cohen’s Children’s Hospital injury prevention coordinator Catherine Dunkley helped Seaford Manor Teacher Adriane Balsam, left, and Seaford Harbor teacher Christine Donnelly learn how to apply a tourniquet at the Stop the Bleed safety training program. (Photo by Seaford School District)
Safety Training
Cohen’s Children’s Hospital injury prevention coordinator Catherine Dunkley helped Seaford Manor Teacher Adriane Balsam, left, and Seaford Harbor teacher Christine Donnelly learn how to apply a tourniquet at the Stop the Bleed safety training program. (Photo by Seaford School District)

More than 80 elementary teachers in the Seaford School District are prepared to step up and help out in an emergency situation. At a joint faculty meeting for Seaford Harbor and Manor schools, teachers participated in the Stop the Bleed training program with health care professionals.

The free program was led by Catherine Dunkley, a certified health education specialist and injury prevention coordinator at Cohen’s Children’s Hospital. Teachers were trained on identifying life-threatening bleeding and the steps to take to stop it. She explained that their role is to fill the void in the time it takes between an injury occurring and the arrival of emergency responders. There are vital steps they can take in those crucial minutes, including designating a person to call 911 so that help does arrive.

Ms. Dunkley explained that the techniques can be applied to both children and adults. After her presentation, teachers were able to practice these skills by putting tourniquets on each other’s arms and filling a wound with gauze on cylindrical foam limbs. The training was part of the district’s health and wellness initiative.
