
Wantagh High School Theater Presents ‘Footloose’

Wantagh C
: Wantagh High School thespians were excited about opening night of Footloose. (Photo by Wantagh School District)
Wantagh C
Wantagh High School thespians were excited about opening night of Footloose. (Photo by Wantagh School District)

Under the direction of Heather Naughton, choreographer Kim Davis and vocal director Jennifer Alessi, Wantagh High School’s talented cast and crew drew packed audiences for Dean Pitchford’s and Walter Bobbie’s Footloose, held in the auditorium on March 20-23.

The school production kept intact the popular story about Chicago teen Ren McCormack (John Sileo and Joey Labo) who moved to a small town in Utah where he learns from Willard Hewitt (Brandon Schroh) that rock music and dancing have been banned by local minister Rev. Shaw Moore (Carlo Tobia). Ren falls for rebellious teen Ariel Moore (Bella Ninivaggi), who is being abused by boyfriend Chuck Cranston (James Degnan). Ren develops a plan to upturn the anti-dancing ordinance, so that the class can hold the senior prom.

The play’s success is also due to the efforts of pit orchestra director Dan Aviles, stage crew director Sean Naughton, lighting designer Maria Belvilacqua, choreographer Kim Davis, business manager Courtney Prestianni and set designer and construction director Holly Romero.

Prior to the opening, the National Honor Society hosted an inter-generational dinner for senior citizens in the school cafeteria, under the direction of adviser Kali Psihos. The students served a delicious meal of BBQ and entertained the guests with a raffle, prior to opening night of Footloose.

-Submitted by Wantagh School District