Ronald Gross, the longtime host of the library’s popular Socrates Salon, will be honored for distinguished scholarship and great service by the University Seminars at Columbia University on April 10.
Socrates Salon meets at Main on the first Friday of each month at 3 p.m. for conversations on various topics. Recent subjects have included respect, humor, nature, justice, wealth, hope, food, travel, luck and friendship.
“The Salon is part of a grand tradition,” explained Gross. “In every age and culture, lively minded people have come together to share ideas, experiences and friendship.”
The next session, on Friday, April 5, will focus on How Are We Fooled? and will explore how we fool others, how we fool ourselves and how we are fooled by the media and advertising.
Gross has served as the cochair of the Columbia University Seminar on Innovation for 20 years working with thought leaders, such as Kwame Appiah, the Times Magazine’s weekly ethicist columnist and author of Cosmopolitanism; Jon Meacham, Pulitzer Price-winning author of The Soul of America; and Harry Frankfurt, Professor Emeritus at Princeton on his book On Bullshit.