
Roslyn Grad Performs At YoungArts Gala At The Met


On April 16, Roslyn High School graduate Kevin Sherwin will perform as conductor and guitarist at the YoungArts New York Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The performance will included singers, dancers, band and orchestra, all alumni of the YoungArts program, in an interdisciplinary production, directed by renowned actor, singer and musical director Michael McElroy.

Broadway and TV star Daniel J. Watts will serve as the evening’s emcee.

Kevin Sherwin was a YoungArts award winner in 2012, when he was a senior at Roslyn High School.

The National YoungArts Foundation (YoungArts) was established in 1981 by Lin and Ted Arison to identify and nurture the most accomplished young artists in the visual, literary, design and performing arts, and assist them at critical junctures in their educational and professional development. Through a wide range of annual programs, performances, and partnerships with some of the nation’s leading cultural institutions, YoungArts aspires to create a strong community of alumni and a platform for a lifetime of encouragement, opportunity and support.

Learn more about the gala at www.youngarts.org/nygala.