
Safe Boating Tips For Summer Fun

Boating AA day on the water can be an enjoyable experience no matter what season it is, but it’s
important to avoid any mishaps throughout your day on the boat.

With increasing boat activity in the run up to summer, Allstate reminds New York boaters that it is a good time to refresh their boating safety knowledge, assess local water levels and to review boating regulations.

Know how to navigate your vessel

When navigating the waters, it’s important to abide by the basic Rules of the Road, according to the USCG. Post a lookout, maintain a safe speed and avoid collision.

Wear a life jacket

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, drowning was the reported cause of death in four out of every five recreational boating fatalities in 2017, and that 84.5 percent of those who drowned were not wearing life jackets. Each individual or pet on board should wear a life jacket.

Prepare a float plan

A float plan includes information about your vessel, who’s on board and where and when you will be on the water. In the event of an accident or emergency, help will arrive sooner if someone knows where you are on the water and when you are expected to return.

Don’t drink

Alcohol may affect judgment, vision, balance and coordination of a boat operator. The USCG and each state have penalties for violating boating under the influence laws, including fines, suspension or revocation of boat operator privileges and jail terms. Keep your passengers safe and being in the right state of mind will help do so.

Invest in a personal flotation device for your pet

ASCPA mentions that just like humans, pets can become easily exhausted in the water, so invest in a pet life jacket just in case.

Bring plenty of water

Not just for humans, but pets too. Keeping your pet hydrated in hot days in the sun will keep everyone happy, longer on the open water.

Use plenty of SPF

In addition to your own skin protection, keep your pet safe from the sun by checking out the new options in many pet stores for sunscreen designed specifically for animals. Keep your pet out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun is strongest.

By following these tips, you, your family, pets and friends are well on your way to having an enjoyable and safe boating adventure this summer.

—Submitted by Allstate