
Mask Off

At Farmingdale High School’s varsity awards night, Alayna Camisa revealed herself as Dale the lion.

Daler Passes The Helmet On Mascot Duties

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At Farmingdale High School’s varsity awards night, Alayna Camisa revealed herself as Dale
the lion.

Come June, high school seniors’ emotions are at an all-time high. For the past four years, those students have played sports, participated in clubs, thrived in academics, formed friendships and made memories to last a lifetime. But very few of those seniors walk across the graduation stage being able to say they were their high school’s mascot.

For Alayna Camisa, her graduation from Farmingdale High School marked the end of a remarkable era.

“I went to my first Farmingdale football game, that was my freshman year,” said Camisa. “Then I saw the mascot.”

And the rest is history. Camisa instantly knew that becoming the school mascot was what would define her high school career. She immediately reached out to the school’s varsity cheerleading coach and expressed her interest in taking on the role of Dale the lion. One meeting later and Camisa’s charm and bubbly personality were enough to have the coach offer her the job. Camisa started playing her alter ego at the homecoming football game and instantly fell in love—sweat and exhaustion aside. For just the second time in Farmingdale High School’s history, the mascot would be performed by the same person from freshman to senior year.

“In middle school I never did any clubs, I was just to myself,” Camisa explained. “I was like, ‘In high school I’ll do things,’ but I didn’t expect I would be the mascot.”

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Camisa performs with the Farmingdale High School cheerleaders.

But with her newfound responsibility came the desire to put in a 110-percent effort. Camisa swore she would wear the mask with the diligence of a Disney character.

“I never take water breaks,” she said. “I treat it like a Disney character—I read the rules for Disney. I feel like the kids think it’s real, I’m very serious about it. If I was younger and if I saw the person take off the mask, it’s like all the magic is ruined, the identity is ruined, so I thought that would be cool if I didn’t show anything.”

Along with her own personal rules to keep the mascot magic alive for youngsters, Camisa also learned all of the dances from the cheerleading team so she could perform along in front of the crowds. The Farmingdale High School senior said there’s never a dull moment when she’s out on the field. Whether she’s just waving her arms around, shaking her tail or doing an all-out dance routine, Camisa keeps Dale moving. She also keeps Dale as alive as possible—she was the one to first give the school district lion a name.

As part of her involvement in school journalism with the Paper Lion newspaper—along with being president of the Student Government Association and a member of the S.M.I.L.E. Club, Key Club, National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society—Camisa wrote an article about taking on the mascot persona. As such, the lion needed a name. The student body was given a choice between Buddy and Dale, and Dale received the winning vote.

“That’s when it started to become big,” said Camisa of when she wrote about needing to give her furry character a name. “I felt like Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus. I was the Miley Cyrus and Dale was the Hannah Montana.”

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Alayna Camisa

Between dancing to fan-requested moves and tossing Webkinz lion plushes into the crowd, Camisa soon became a hometown hit—even receiving phone calls from clubs and local businesses asking her to mascot at special events. She reminisced stories of one woman handing her baby to Dale for a picture and posing with another woman’s dog that had been dressed up as a lion as well.

On June 12, Farmingdale High School hosted its varsity awards night. Camisa was invited to attend, where she dressed in full Dale attire and revealed herself in front of the attending crowd. Over the years, Camisa gained local notoriety around the school, so it came as no surprise when she removed her mask, but it was a monumental moment as it marked one of the last occasions she would spend in her costume.

“I made [Dale] a big thing,” Camisa said. “That’s one good memory I have of high school.”

As she prepares to dual major in early childhood and childhood education at SUNY Cortland, Camisa advises future mascots to take on the responsibility with a smile, but also with the knowledge that the job comes with sacrifice.

“It’s going to get hot, but everything will be fine,” explained Camisa, who wore an ice pack vest and affixed a fan to her mask to help keep cool under the layers of fur. “It’s all worth it in the end. It’s what the kids want—just make it special for them.”