
15 Years Of Outreach

thumbnail IMG 2975 757x1024 1Fifteen years ago, a group of ladies from Manhasset decided to start the Outreach Program. They had been helping local friends during their journey with breast cancer, taking them to doctor appointments, delivering dinners to their home, driving their kids to playdates and after-school activities, laughing and crying with them. They realized how much of a difference they made in the life of their friends and how important having a support system was so no woman coping with breast cancer would walk that road alone. The Outreach Program was born.

Fifteen years later, it is stronger than ever: it serves Manhasset residents as well as members of the nearby communities and it was recently expanded to now help women facing all types of cancers. Like the rest of the Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer, the Outreach Program is made up of all volunteers: a team of four co-chairs runs it with the assistance of a financial coordinator, a liaison and information coordinator, 15 care coaches and 48 other volunteers, many helping out in more than one area.

In 2018, the Outreach Program assisted a total of 143 women and their families, 118 with Breast cancer and 25 with other cancers. 2019 is set to be another record year.

The Outreach Program also offers a series of community programs including educational series open to all and retreats for hope and renewal to cancer survivors and their caregivers. Outreach held 13 wellness programs in 2018, serving approximately 1800 patients and their families.

Please come and join us on October 16 to help us celebrate fifteen years of neighbors helping neighbors, women helping women. Stronger together.

—Submitted by Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer