A meeting was held on Nov. 7 at Manorhaven Village Hall to discuss plans for the $3.3 million Manorhaven Boulevard streetscape project, which is set to begin in fall 2020.
County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, along with Village of Manorhaven Mayor Jim Avena, Deputy Mayor Priscilla von Roeschlaub, Nassau County Department of Public Works Commissioner Gil Anderson, now with L.K. McLean Associates and Ken Arnold, current Commissioner of the Nassau County Department of Public Works attended the meeting to listen to residents concerns and given them the opportunity to ask questions about the upcoming project.
A majority of the meeting discussed the concerns residents had regarding the number of trees that may need to be cut down as a result of the street improvements.
According to Anderson only seven trees, which they believe are already dead or diseased, will need to be removed from the street.
According to a street study, 32 trees were marked “deficient” meaning they may need to be altered in some way, but officials mitigated the residents concerns stating that any trees that must be removed will be replaced “in kind” meaning one new tree for every one that is removed. According to officials, 83 trees will remain on the boulevard after the construction.
“The rest of the trees, we believe we can build around and that was the initial project,” Anderson said. “Along the south side, where the majority of the trees are, we are going to move the curb two feet in front of where it is right now. That will allow us to minimize any impact to the trees root systems and try to minimize any damage to the roots, so that it stays as the beautiful canopy that you have right now.”
The project will begin with a complete, repaving and resurfacing of the existing roadway. Improvements to the street will include widening the sidewalks to four feet to bring them into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, installing new concrete curbs and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, adding in handicap accessible ramps to the many of the street corners, extending curbs around the tree roots, adding in a crosswalk and a stop sign at the intersection of Firwood Road and Manorhaven boulevard.
Other upgrades will include the construction of two stamped concrete paved plaza/seating areas with space for plantings, new trash receptacles and landscaping near the tennis courts at Manorhaven Park, as well as the installation of new decorative street lighting fixtures with bracket arms for flower pots, similar to what is being installed on Main Street in Port Washington.
Following residents’ concerns regarding drainage issues along certain sections of the boulevard, Anderson said the current plans call for a slight curvature of the roadway, which will take place when the road is regraded. The curvature will help to funnel the water into the storm drains and help prevent the excess pooling, which often lingers for days after a heavy rain storm. Also proposed is the replacement of all catch basins as well as the proper cleaning of all the storm drains on the boulevard.
Among the discussion, was the installation of two bus shelters, which would be constructed with bars separating the seats to prevent people from sleeping on them.
Decorative street lamps with plants and the ability for decorated holiday lights were proposed as well as artistic benches were also discussed. DeRiggi-Whitton encouraged the audience to come up with ideas on how they can beautify the mile long stretch and asked residents to send ideas to her office or to her email.
“We really want to dress it up, whatever ideas you have—we’ll see what we can incorporate,” DeRiggi-Whitton said.
Officials hoped that the project will revitalize the area and encourage more local businesses and restaurants to open up along the boulevard. Officials also stressed to the audience that plans for the project are not yet finalized and they will likely be meeting with the public a few more times as things are added or taken away from the proposal in the coming months.
The county plans to begin the project in the fall of 2020, with final completion of the project by early 2021. Residents are encouraged to give their suggestions or ideas to DeRiggi-Whitton’s office by calling 516-571-6211 or emailing dderiggiwhitton@nassaucountyny.gov.